The purpose of Student Council is to provide services for the benefit of the student body, for the general improvement of Columbia High School, and for the common good of the community of Columbia. Members must qualify scholastically, demonstrate good character, possess leadership potential and provide service to others. In addition, all members must maintain active participation throughout the school year. The student council is made up of an appointed executive board, elected class officers, elected class representatives and appointed members-at-large. Officers and executive board members must participate in leadership training workshops, chair a committee, and exceed the minimum of 15 points per quarter to be eligible to hold an officer position. The CHS Student Council is a very active group that begins working in the summer planning for the entire school year. They typically organize most of the fall Homecoming festivities, decorate the school for the holidays and head up numerous fundraisers throughout the year.
Student Council Bylaws (Missing)
Student Council Handbook (Missing)